U.S. History Honors

Unfinished Nation Student Online Edition

U.S. History I Honors
April 22, 2013
MP 4 Project – Antebellum America

Format: Individual

1.    Conduct research on topic using the internet and selected secondary and primary sources.
2.   Type a 3-5 page report focused on answering the central historical questions.
3.   Create your own media presentation for the class based on the written report.
4.   Through your presentation, teach the class about your chosen topic.  You do not read from the report. The presentation is both a visual and textual representation of your research.

Central Historical Questions
·       What is important/significant to know about the topic? Why should we learn about it?
·       What was the impact/effect of the event/issue on American society?
·       What was/were the cause/causes?
·       What are two perspectives on the topic/issue? (Explain at least two different perspectives about your topic)
·       Who was most effected?
·       When did it occur? Where did it occur?
·       How did the research effect your perspective about this time period?

·       You will type the report in 12-point font with 1-inch margins and double-spaced. 
·       The report will answer the questions in a narrative with complete sentences. 
·       A 4-6 minute class presentation based on the research report. Choose one of the options below. 
·       Citation organizer

Media Options for presentation – All based on report
·       Power point presentation with images, video.
·       Photo essay using power point, IMovie or other similar software like movie-maker. Select images, create storyboard.
·       Podcast or vodcast.
·       News show – you are a news anchor giving a news report about your topic.
·       Feature news article

·       A minimum of five sources. You may use video and or documentaries about your chosen topic.
·       You must use at least one book (not your textbook).
·       Sources must be credible with a specific author or authors who are experts on the topic.  For example, government or education based sites and PBS.
·       You cannot use Wikipedia as a source. 
·       You must use the citation organizer (separate handout)
·       You must use at least two primary sources.

·       The project will be worth two test grades. Each test grade is weighted as 40% of your 4th marking period grade. For example, if you earn a 90% for both parts of the project, you will receive two 90% test grades. 
·       Each part of the project is worth 50%.  The overall grade will be an average of your grade on the research report and the media presentation. 

Due Date: May 2, 2013

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